
  • Kateryna Kyrylenko Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Head of the Department of Philosophy, Ukraine



innovative culture, lifelong education, informal education, functions of informal education


An innovative culture is considered by scientists not only as a factor of modernization and development of certain types of human activity, but also as a form of modern culture, which emerged as a result of wide implementation of guidelines for innovative relationship of person to himself and to the world. A key feature of innovative culture as a certain part of sociocultural and ideological complex of modernity is its readiness for production and implementation of innovations in all areas of management, as well as search for new ideological values that are not only authorize innovations and facilitate their replication, but also define ethical and humanistic content as a leading content of any innovation. For its successful performance innovative culture requires not only intellectually developed and professionally educated person, but also personality that can rapidly develop, improve and learn himself, which is able to "permanent education", "lifelong education" and "lifelong learning".

The purpose of this article is to explore the relationship of innovative culture and informal education, which isemphasized along with formal and informal education, differentiating educational forms by the degree of institutional formalization. This aspect of the study is important and urgent, because, on the one hand, it reveals the mechanisms and direction of formation of innovative culture, and, on the other hand, defines the target setting of perspective education, determines its ultimate goal – the creation of innovatively attractive product.

The informal education is implemented through: communication with friends, colleagues and just random people, reading, watching TV, use of media resources (not only educational), Internet communication in social networks, visits of cultural institutions, religious organizations, visits of exhibition or events, festivals, master classes, while traveling, through self-education, cultural activity etc. Informal education is provided by traditional areas of education, but in a different way. It does not evident purpose of learning, it is not as structured, organized, purposeful, as traditional education, it is not as reflective and perceived, it is a voluntary, spontaneous, and autonomous, it is the result of every-day life, the result of learning through experience. The person himself directs his education, and appears as a teacher and as a student at the same time.

There are the following functions of informal education: broadcasting or communicative; educational or developmental; professional, it improves qualifications (job qualification); compensatory; integrating; adaptive; function of socialization; it is also spoken about the function of re-socialization; humanistic function should be leading in informal education (formation and establishment of high humanistic ideals of humanity, promoting humanity as a certain way of relation to the world must be dominant content of informal education that though is self-organized and spontaneous, yet remains one that is a result of a conscious choice of the subject of educational activity).

Informal education as one that is carried out independently and spontaneously as conscious and unconscious reaction to the socio-cultural environment and its new content and forms, it embodies the philosophical foundations of innovative culture. Innovations can be initiated by socialized and educated people, they can be learned only by people who are ready and open to changes.

Innovative culture is a powerful information resource of informal education. Its artifacts are a kind of irritants that require the human response to them. Innovative culture requires spiritually mature individuals. informal education, in its turn, serves not only the gnostic and cognitive goals, but also ethical and humanistic. Innovative culture forms a creative attitude to the world. Informal education aims not person’s academic enrichment with scholastic truths, but gaining of "life knowledge", the knowledge that person needs in life. Innovative culture and informal education provide a combination of theoretical studies with humanistic orientation of their implementation. Both exist as regulators of alternative communicative environment, as the leading popularizers of scientific discourse.

For innovative culture and informal education high technology, information space are important. They state the heterogeneity as the defining parameters of the modern world view, as well as tolerance as a way of coexistence of different elements in it. Also they state its ethical expertise of both theoretical and practical achievements. Synergetics as the science of self-organization of various nonlinear systems, which regards bifurcation points as ways to the occurrence of new, can be used for a more thorough study of innovative culture and informal forms of education in it.

Author Biography

Kateryna Kyrylenko, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Head of the Department of Philosophy

PhD in Philosophy, associate professor




