
  • Nina V. Koliadenko National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



Trypillya culture, art, ethnogenesis, history, archaeological sites,


Where have we come from? Who are we? Where are we going to? "- the name of Paul Gauguin’s picture thatexemplifies infinit question of humanity of all times and epochs."…What are we? Who is our parent?"- Taras Shevchenkoasks in his message "And the dead and alive...". People recognize themselves through their relation to the world that isnot only boundless universe or nature, but also to human society, culture, created by people.

Culture is displaying the individual features of individual communities and their ethnic groups. Ethnogenesis is a

natural process wich determined primarily landscape-geographical parameters. All things created by people are morestable than the works of nature, so they are accessible to direct observation. Our forefathers left wonderful monumentsand works of art. This rich heritage has identified features of Ukrainian national culture. In art history there are definitestereotypes about

Trypillian culture, which are repeated in the majority of publications and established form relevant impressionof it. Trypillian culture is well-known by excellent examples of ceramic wares decorated with ornaments of theoriginal. However, its current popularity is not argued, archetyp value of its heritage is not only of material but also spiritual

is ignored overwhelming majority of researchers. So urgent is the study of the art of reflection of Trypillian culture inmodern life, in a culture in everyday life, arrangement of living space, tradition of interpersonal relations and selfdeterminationf a personality аnd awareness of its importance for the ethnogenesis of the Ukrainian nation. The perpurpose of this research is to study, based on analysis of the publications of the scientific literature,rypillian art and culture due to the natural conditions of the landscape.

Trypillian cultureis is an unique archaeological culture from the Chalcolithic times. The first studies of this cultureand archaic painted ceramics executed the famous archaeologist from Lviv A.Shnayder in 70 years of the XIX century.But the official opening of the Year of Trypillian culture is considered to be 1893, when archaeologist Vincent Hvoykaopened late Palaeolithic settlement in Kyiv, on the Cyrilivska street. He found a number of similar materials on the outskirtsof Trypillia in the Kyiv region, on whose behalf and was named this unique culture.

On the Romanian territory it was discovered Cucuteni culture, which have been proven to belong to the samecultural complex that Trypillian culture, so these names are synonymous.

One of the biggest attractions is the cave of Trypillian culture Verteba in the Lviv region, where throughout thenineteenth century was found thousands of clay and ceramic objects and fragments of there.Significant contribution to the study of Trypillian culture belongs to T.S. Passek that developed a scheme of periodizationof Trypillian settlements.

The most prevalent option periods, which distinguishes the following stages of trypillian culture:

• Initial – 5300-4000 BC. e. (Romanian Carpathians)

• Early – 4000-3600 BC. e. (Prut-Dniester interfluve);

• Average – 3600-3100 BC. e. (Dniester-Bug watershed);

• Late – 3100-2500 BC. e. (Dnieper-Dniester River watershed).

Characteristic for the early development stage of Trypillian culture is ground, rectangular building of the pillarssmeared with clay wicker wooden walls that had straw or reed roof. In the villages located on high plateaus layout dwellingsapproached to form a circle or oval. The basis for economy in this period were farming, animal husbandry, hunting,fishing and gathering. Significant development reached pottery, especially vessels which sculpted hands – large vesselshrushopodibnoi grain riznomanitni pots, bowls, spoons, colanders, binoklepodibnyy dishes. Pottery and figurines decoratedornament spiral shape, which continues today in the handicrafts of Ukraine.

In the middle stage of the tribes of Trypillia culture occupied vast areas of forest in Eastern Transylvania to thewest to the Dnieper River to the east, near the Upper and Middle Dniester, Prut, Siret, Southern Bug region and the rightbank of the Dnieper. Public ustriy remained matriarhalno clan, but the settlement of this period is much larger, indicatingthat the increase in population and located in the high plateau near rivers and streams.

By the late period of Trypillian culture spread in the land of eastern Volyn Basin and Goryn Sluch year, bothbanks of the Dnieper and Kiev steppe north-western Black Sea. However, along with the tribes of the western areas ofthe Northern Black Sea and lower Dniester were assimilated yamnoyi native culture ancient Indo-Europeans.Amazing Tripoli culture heritage inspired researchers to express the boldest hypotheses. So, study of Tripoli culture,which is reflected in the genetic memory of future generations in the form of archetypal characters, and its impacton the improvement of modern life seems a hot topic of our further research.

Author Biography

Nina V. Koliadenko, National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts

Medicinæ Doctor, professor




