Arthur Schopenhauer about the parallels of music ethos and the "volition to live" in the Universe


  • Tetiana Kablova associate professor of the department of academic and variety singing of the Institute of Arts of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine



ethos of music, «volition to live», spirit of music, the harmony of the worl


The purpose of the work. The research is related to the analysis of concepts such as ethos, which is a stable state of music and the «volition to live» by Arthur Schopenhauer, considered according to world harmony. Ethos is seen as a stable state of music, appearing on the transcendent dimension of cultural creativity according to historical and paradigmatic changes of the World. The methodologу of the reseаrсh іs the use of сompаrаtіve аnd hіstorісаl-logісаl methods, contextual and systematic methods. The above methodological approach allows to reveal and to analyze artistic phenomenon like part of cultural process. Also we used in our research cultural method. This approach allows us to consider all parts and cultural layers in their relationship. Scientific novelty consists in expanding notions of ethos music as a manifestation of the harmony of the cosmos. Analysis of ethos music concept  allows to distinguish the spirit of music and consider it in correlation with the «volition to live». Ethos of music is interpreted as the embodiment of the micro and macro cosmos. Conclusions. Spirit of Music, like «heart of ethos music» implicitly embodies the style, ethos and estezys of human «being-in-culture». This category is constantly playing the archetypical harmony from the depth of the World volition.




