Cultural practices of university: between discipline and discourse


  • Olena Pavlova



university, cultural practice, discipline, discourse, cultural institute


Purpose of the research is to analysis university cultural practices and their historical dynamics. Most of the focus is on the classic model of university and its transformations. Methodology of the research consists in using methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization as well as semiotic, hermeneutic and historical approaches. It gave a chance to reveal the features of formation of university as a unity and opposite of cultural practices of discipline and discourse. Scientific novelty lies in determination of the education concept as a set of social institutions and cultural practices that produce social technology of the new anthropological model. The university as a cultural practice, based on the new sample of the anthropological model, form corresponding disciplinary sets and discourses. They are realized in production of new type of habitus and cultural capital, and provide identification under the auspices of the concept of "culture" in the Modern era. Conclusion. It has been proved that high culture in this context acts as value orientations on the foundation of universal cult of reason. The cultural practices of the University are a mediation between the regulatory ideas of Modern and a certain type of state that is, provide social technology of nation building. Depending on the national model of education, universities as cultural institutes determine the priority of certain educational strategies. The comparative analysis of French, American and German models of the university is being implemented. The last became a model for the cultural practices of the domestic institution of higher education. The formation of the cult of universal reason and self-sufficient subject is the basic task of cultural practices of the classical university.




