Questions of training of critics-experts on accompanying of cultural values in the conditions on military conflict


  • Olga Shkolna



preparation of the special personnel for accompanying of cultural values, critics-experts, armed conflict, Ukraine.


The purpose of the research consists in systematization of the information concerning preparation of criticsexperts, which are able work in the conditions of the military conflict. The research methodology is based on the application of culturological and art criticism approaches, comparative method, which allows realizing specificity of training of
experts of cultural values for accompanying the latter in force-major circumstances, and method of the selective analysis of an existing situation in the country concerning preparation of the special personnel. Taken together, specified approaches and methods allow revealing the importance of the outlined problematic from the point of view of the practical cultural science and art criticism through the prism of cultural-political, legal and pedagogical aspects. Scientific novelty consists in definition of specificity of preparation of the special personnel of critics-experts, who should accompany cultural values in Ukraine in special historical and political circumstances of not proclaimed war. It is proved, that such experts should be prepared in the National academy of managerial staff of culture and arts. In the applied aspect, necessity of the military obligation of such personnel is covered. Conclusions. Taking into account the undeveloped state cultural policy in the sphere of training of critics-experts on accompanying and protection of art values in the conditions of a confrontation, nowadays it is important to begin to train such critics-experts on the basis of the National academy of managerial staff of culture and arts. Considering necessity of providing of this important area with highly skilled experts, it is necessary to prepare corresponding programs, scientific methodical works and manuals in the designated area.




