Children’s ballets of Henry Mayorov. History of the Kyiv period of the ballet master`s art (1972-1978)


  • Olha Bilash



Henry Mayorov, ballet master's art, children's ballets, Kiev Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after T. Shevchenko.


Purpose of the research is to analyze the compositional and artistic peculiarities of children's ballets ("Chipollino", "Snow White and Seven Dwarfs") made by well-known Soviet choreographer Henry Mayorov, who used to work in Kiev Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after. T. Shevchenko from 1972 to 1978. The relevance of this publication is determined by the interest in the past of the Ukrainian ballet theater and research of the unknown pages of ts history. Methodology of the work involves the use of such culturological methods as general-historical method (selection and analysis of material), comparative-historical method (study of the subject of work in its various manifestations),
analytical method (logical systematization of facts), and biographical method (analysis of the way of life). The scientific novelty of the research lies in the revealing of the peculiar ballet-master features of Henry Mayorov, which contributed to the enrichment of the artistic palette of national ballet art, and influenced the extension of the range of its genre possibili-
ties. Conclusions. By compositional construction, children's ballets of Henry Mayrov "Chipollino" and "Snow White and Seven Dwarfs" do not differ from adult performances. All well-known stage choreographic forms (variations, duets, trios, quartets, ensembles) are widely represented in the plays. The classical dance is completely devoid of the elements of
the conditionality, the action is unfolding rapidly, and also each fairy tale hero has a distinctive choreographic leittem and his own dance figure, which reflects its flexible character.




