The conceptual model of training of the respiratory system of the voice apparatus of future theater and cinema specialists


  • Tatyana Nechayenko
  • Olga Vinar



verbal action, stage speech, theater, cinema, respiratory system, voice apparatus, speech technique.


Purpose of the article is to systematize the basic conceptual tasks of training the respiratory system of the verbal apparatus of future masters of theater and cinema, and to analyze the classification of existing breathing apparatus systems in theatrical pedagogy. Methodology. The methodology of the study consists in the application of analytical, functional, comparative, art, and systematic axiomatic methods for studying the conceptual model of training the respiratory system of the vocal apparatus of future theater and cinema specialists and in the structuring and omparative analysis of the necessary methods of breathing exercises for the development and formation of the necessary knowledge, skills and teachings of a creative individual. Scientific novelty. Scientific novelty consists in the
approbation of innovative developments in the study of the discipline "Scenic speech" and in the theoretical justification for creating a program-model of effective forms of training professional breathing during the stage action. Conclusion. As a result of the study, the following conclusions could be done: first of all it is not desirable to perceive the well-known
classification of breathing patterns and various systems of breathing exercises in the professional training of future specialists in the theatrical art as dogma, and in the teaching process it is better to use an individual training program; secondly, for the successful conduct of training exercises, first of all, it is necessary to correct the posture, to master the
position of the body free of excessive stress, the immediate, natural and plastic position of the head, shoulders, back; thirdly, while working on breathing exercises, it is necessary to remember that it is important to perform them not mechanically, but necessarily through a figurative vision, through a magical "as if like". This is required by the faith in
what "I" do, development of fantasy, special attention to the object of breathing and the accuracy of the performance of the goal. This means not just breathing out air with or without sound, but learn how to influence or act on the selected object. Moreover, last, but not the least, nowadays yoga system of breathing exercises is the most progressive in the
creation of the program of the model of teaching scenic speech in higher educational institutions of art.




