Some features of genre palette and means of expression in the contemporary compositions for wind instruments (through the example of Dnepropetrovsk composers’ works)


  • Valeriy Hromchenko Of Mikhail Glinka music academy of Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine



genre, means of expression, composer, masterpiece, performer, introduction, dialogue, instrumental solo, prelude, artistic image


Purpose of the research is to explore the genre’s palette and peculiarities of the means of artistic expression in the compositions for wind academic instruments of well-known Dnepropetrovsk composers Alexander Nezhigay, Valentina Martynyuk and Elena Krivulya. The methodology of this investigation consists of using the system, information, historical and axiological approaches of the general scientific methodological base. It helps to reveal and study some features of the genre and specific means of artistic expression from the artistic and compositional arsenal of the famous Dnepropetrovsk composers. The scientific novelty lies in extending the genre, expressive, concert and pedagogical spectrum of modern wind music performing art. The value of the investigation consists in the attention to the contemporary compositions of the leaders of Dnepropetrovsk regional department of the National Union of Composers of Ukraine. Conclusions. The study of evolution of music genres demonstrates the processes of active regeneration and certain updating of particular genre features, namely the introduction, instrumental solo and prelude.




