Interest as a factor of self-organization of culture


  • Alla Gotsaliuk Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



culture, self-organization, self-organization of culture, interest, social group, cultural civilization comfort.


The purpose of the article is to identify interest as a factor in the self-organization of culture. The methodology of the research is to use dialectical and analytical methods for studying the self-organization of culture and its elements, in particular, interest; functional-instrumental - to examine the benefit as an internal factor of a complex social system and its impact on culture. Scientific novelty consists in the fact that for the first time the questions of an influence of interest on self-organization and self-development of culture are investigated. Conclusions. As a result of the study, it was concluded that the essence of interest as a factor in the self-organization of culture lies in the subjective (internal) attitude of the individual to the value of the phenomenon of culture and the objective perception of society by the factor of the creative system of modern civilization, which affects (pushes) on subjective the attitude of the individual. It is established that interest in culture acts as a real factor of its self-development, as the basis of socially active actions, the basis of which are the motives, needs, attitudes of the individual, social groups to the cultural environment as something worth, valuable, necessary. It is determined that one of the essential interests of a modern person is the cultural civilization comfort, that is, the system of diverse benefits (spiritual, material), in which the individual or individual society develops harmoniously, balanced.

Author Biography

Alla Gotsaliuk, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor, professor of cultural and leisure activities 


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