Fortification monuments in the cultural context – Ukrainian experience (early modern times and the 19th century)
fortifications, scientific societies, protection of historical and cultural heritageAbstract
The purpose of the article is to identify the cultural significance of urban fortification structures located on Ukrainian lands belonging to the Russian Empire. The methodology of the study includes the use of general logical methods of scientific knowledge: analysis, synthesis, analogy, as well as special historical research methods: genetic, used to identify the causes and consequences of events, and comparative – to clarify the general and particular in historical processes; In addition, an important methodological principle of research is the cultural contextualization of fortification monuments, which means treating them as part of the urban cultural landscape. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the article is in the study of the transformation of Ukrainian fortifications from military objects into historical and cultural monuments. Conclusion. From the second half of the 18th century, the concept of an "open city" free from fortifications spread to Ukraine, which was part of the Russian Empire. This caused the destruction of a significant part of urban fortifications. But thanks to the development during the 19th century archaeological science fortification monuments were assessed as an important part of the historical heritage and an element of the urban cultural landscape, worthy of study and preservation. An important role in this matter since the end of the 19th century played scientific societies.
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