International festival "Kyiv Music Fest" as a contemporary format for presentation of national musical cultures: Polish premieres
international music festival, "Kyiv Music Fest, " Ukraine, Poland, Polish composers, musical performance, Ukrainian-Polish cultural ties.Abstract
Purpose of the article is to study the international music festival "Kyiv Music Fest" on the basis of analysis of festival programs, press materials and scientific sources in the aspect of the diversity of forms and ways of presenting the Polish musical culture in order to find out the current state and prospects of Ukrainian-Polish cooperation in the field of musical art. The methodology of the research is to apply a historical, analytical, statistical, systematic, comparative and generalization methodology of the international music festival "Kyiv Music Fest" as a unique, first in the history of the development of the Ukrainian academic musical art festival site for presentation as a contemporary Ukrainian composer's work, using a multidisciplinary approach and musical performances, as well as national musical cultures of Europe and the world. Scientific Novelty. The novelty of the study is to analyze the international music festival "Kyiv Music Fest" as a dynamic processual artistic phenomenon in the aspect of Ukrainian-Polish cultural relations, as well as to highlight the creative achievements of Polish composers and performers through the diversity of personalities, artistic forms, creative methods, musical genres presented at the festival. Conclusions. During the almost 30-year history of the Kyiv Music Fest, Poland's presence in it took place in various forms and evolved from the performance of individual works of Polish composers in general chamber, choral and symphonic concerts or performances by individual Polish performers to author concerts, master workshops, lecture-concerts and significant thematic concert programs from works by Polish composers performed by leading musical groups. The deployment of Polish institutions supporting cultural projects in Ukraine is evidence of positive trends in Poland's state cultural policy aimed at the active promotion of a national cultural product abroad. The initiative for the performance of works by Polish composers at the festival most often belonged to Ukrainian performers and collectives, which underlines the numerous and diverse connections of musicians of Ukraine and Poland. The examples of the brightest and most representatives of the 1990-2000s show the most current state of Polish musical culture as examples and show broad prospects for Ukrainian-Polish cultural cooperation.
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