The concert centers at a courtyard of Prussian queens in the first half of the XVIII century


  • Natalia Beljavina National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



Königlich Preußische Hofkapelle, Royal Prussian court chapel, chamber chapels of queens, features of concerts at a courtyard of queens to Sophie Charlotte and Sophie Dorothee.


Purpose of the article. Research is devoted the 450 anniversary from the date of basis Staatskapelle Berlin - the Berlin state chapel. The XVIIIth century when in power there were educated monarchs, fans of art and musicians-dilettantes of  Fridrih I and Fridrih II was the especial period of blossoming Königlich Preußische Hofkapelle. Scientific Novelty. The unique role of the Prussian queens formed and musically developed women of time of Sophie Charlotte and Sophie Dorothee which formed. Musical tastes at court in the atmosphere of elegant palaces and park ensembles, in an environment of the best musicians of the time, is, underlined. Scientific novelty of work consists in the generalization of the data about historical persons, the role in the development of the European musical culture. In the Ukrainian researches the,e history of the Berlin state chapel is considered for the first time. Conclusions. Ruling dynasties defined musical traditions of a Prussian court yard, influenced development of style and genres modern it of the European and German music.

Author Biography

Natalia Beljavina, National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts

Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Chair of Scenic and Audiovisual Art Department


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