Аrchaic premises primary musical creative activity and his prolongation in performance


  • Павло Михайлович Муляр Odessa National A.V.Nezhdanova Academy of Music, Ukraine




Performance dichotomy classical – non- classical, primary musical creative activity, psychology diplastos, opposition sаcral/ritual - profane/being.


The purpose of the article is a finding in performance style duality "strict - free" ("classical – non-classical," "classical - a romantic") of the history trace of sacral - рrоfаne, which have proceeded from primary reflective diplastos of deep аrchaic thinking. Methodology. The methodological base of the study emerges the intonation approach of the schools B.Yavorskiy and B. Asafiev in Ukraine, within which is chosen style comparative and culturology interdisciplinary methods, using which is realized natural sense performance style аutonomy in professional music. Scientific novelty is conditioned that that for the first time in musicology is presented the theory of determinism first cultural stimulus of a logic of the terminological everyday life of the performers-professional, for which distinguishing classical – non-classical and their analog forms the base of a style autonomy of performance art to multiplicity style gradation in composer creative activity. Conclusions. Archaic diplastos  - a source binary design ideal sphere, which defines a priori distinguishing in reflective operation type opposition of opposite quality, necessary in description separate subject, phenomena and features of the essential factors these last that has a direct output on a duality of counting determinations and on the archetype designs of the religious symbol. Triplicity, selected as something specific operation in reflective operations of European, however, forms and something significant for east conception of the world, being derived by duality.  The base for any creative sphere, including music-performance, canonical forms traditional art, folklore and popular, religious including, to which (= "classical-exemplary") author's creative activity always forms "free" (= "romantic-single") variant, - in the aggregate history range of change sort and types to creative activity individual and collective subject folk, nation, other mental generalities, others. Performance dichotomy classical – non- classical forms embodiment of deep, conditioned spiritual оntоlоgy opposition "strictly - not-strict" art,  of the performance preferences, conditioned by correlation ritual-pertaining and secular-"imitative" thinkings.

Author Biography

Павло Михайлович Муляр, Odessa National A.V.Nezhdanova Academy of Music

The candidate of art criticism degree, reader, head of the chair special pianoforte


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