Festival movement as an integration factor and preserve the national cultural landscape


  • Oleksandr Yakovlev National Academy of Managarial Staff of Culture and Arts, Ukraine




festival movement, festival of folklore, cultural space, cultural landscape, folklore.


The purpose of the article is to reveal the meaning and characteristics of the folk-festival movement in the process of forming the modern cultural space of Ukraine. The methodology is based on an interdisciplinary approach, combining the possibilities of art history, cultural studies and other humanities. The scientific novelty of the article seems to be the rationale for the inextricable relationship of the festival movement in Ukraine with global cultural processes and the definition of the festival of folklore, a significant factor in regional identity and, at the same time, the most important means of intercultural integration of the national cultural landscape. Conclusions. The development of the festival movement in Ukraine is inextricably linked with the global cultural-creating processes, in the context of which festivals as a sociocultural phenomenon are becoming more and more common every year. Among the measures designed to have a positive impact on the process of protection, preservation and dissemination of objects of intangible cultural heritage, in particular, folklore, special importance is attached to festivals of folklore. An important function of the festival of folklore, derived from its nature, is the implementation of socio-cultural work as a factor of self-identification and preservation of the regional identity of the ethnic group and an active means of intercultural integration and synergy of the national cultural space.

Author Biography

Oleksandr Yakovlev, National Academy of Managarial Staff of Culture and Arts

doctor of Сultural Studies, associate professor, professor 


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