
  • Tetiana Bykova National Pedagogical University named after M. P. Drahomanov, Ukraine
  • Oleksander Bykov Legislation Institute of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Ukraine



Hutsul culture, national conception of the world, text, interpretation, musical instruments, Hutsul dances.


The purpose of research is to reveal the image artistic features in the early twentieth century prose of the Hutsul culture – musical instruments and fingering, as well as the types of Hutsul dance. It is proved by the authors that they are the exponents of the regional national culture and can influence the inner world of a Hutsul. The methodology of research is based on the application of ideological, thematic, problematic, hermeneutic and semantic approaches. The scientific novelty is that for the first time the role of the Hutsuls’ musical culture in the formation of their national outlook has been analyzed from the scientific point of view. Conclusion. It has been proved by the authors that the Ukrainian writers, using the elements of the Hutsul culture on the pages of their fiction, presented the Hutsul region as an area with its specific authentic culture. The writers noted the desire of the characters to exhibit their own temper and a special way of communicating with the world. The Hutsul text with the presentation of musical instruments and the Hutsul dances as a regional invariant contributed to creating the readers’ view of the specificity of the Carpathian region and at the same time positioning of its inhabitants as the representatives of the Ukrainian nation.

Author Biographies

Tetiana Bykova, National Pedagogical University named after M. P. Drahomanov

D.Litt, Associate Professor, Professor of the Ukrainian Literature Department,

Oleksander Bykov, Legislation Institute of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Doctor of Law, Senior Researcher, Academic Secretary


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