Epistolary style of educators and artists as a source of the history of the culture of Southern Ukraine in the XIX and early XX centuries


  • Anna Hedo Boris Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine




epistolary activity, letters, culture, education, theater, Southern Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to determine the informative potential and representativeness of the epistolary activity of educators and artists for the study of the cultural development of Southern Ukraine in the  XIX and early XX  centuries. The methodological principles are the principles of historicity, objectivity, which made it possible to determine composition, structure, authenticity and informative possibilities of  the  letters, and source-study method as a system of research procedures. Scientific novelty. On the basis of the analysis of materials of the personal correspondence stored in the archives of Ukraine and published letters, the author revealed their informative possibilities for research. Namely,  the contribution of cultural figures to the formation of the cultural space of the region, the functioning of educational institutions, theater life, and personal relations of cultural figures.  Conclusions. Еpistolary activity of cultural figures are indispensable in view of their informative potential. It allows to recreate the living images of representatives of culture in certain life situations and interactions with the environment, reveals the inner world of the individual, the depth of emotional experiences of the respondent, which are not recorded in other types of sources.

Author Biography

Anna Hedo, Boris Grinchenko Kyiv University

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Department of History of Ukraine 


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