Stage image of fashion as the integrity of the aesthetic and cultural initiatives


  • Nataliia Barna Open International University of human development «Ukraine», Ukraine



culture, fashion, cultural creation, alter globalist movement, model business


The purpose of the article. Determine the culturological components of the formation of fashion activity as a scenic phenomenon. Methodology of the research is based on the analytical method in the study of artistic peculiarities of the development of visual culture; historical - in the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the socio-cultural field of reality and functions of art; culturological - for the complex definition of ideological and stylistic paradigms of transformations of figurative artifacts of culture. Scientific novelty. Fashion as the integrity of aesthetic and cultural preferences in the context of globalization processes of the late XX - early XXI centuries becomes an active actor in the alternative globalization movement. Together with the processes of universalization and actualization of cultural and historical potential, fashion is understood as a global practice of cultural creation. Fashion is interpreted as a form of human cultural activity; it generates the potential of a model business, a culture of everyday life, a spectacular culture, and the like. Conclusions. Fashion in the context of world culture is a certain cultural and historical anthropology that represents the integrity of the person, as well as fashionable innovations in the context of various forms of the form: genre, stylistic, which gives an opportunity to see the limits of human creativity, the limits of the fashionable embodiment. The fashion carries the image of a grotesque. Fashion is also a fundamental mechanism of cultural cultivation, the specificity of which is expressed in the constitution of the processes of form-building in culture. Thus, by itself the design of fashion, fashion, stage, openness to another, and at the same time the desire to be self-sufficient and beautiful space, this indicates that the fashion is opened in different contexts of cultural development, in particular in design, theater, advertising, cinema, virtual reality. All these contexts somehow give different paradigmatic states, images of all that living, juvenile organism of the society, which can be noted as a fashionable universe that correlates with the universe scenic.

Author Biography

Nataliia Barna, Open International University of human development «Ukraine»

D.Sc. in Philosophy, professor, the director of Institute of Philology and mass communications 


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