Project management as strategic instrument for socio-cultural sphere development


  • Yaroslav Martynyshyn International Personnel Academy, Ukraine
  • Olena Kostyuchenko Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



management system, management, project management, project activity, effective project activity management, competitiveness, socio-cultural sphere, socio-cultural activity, social and psychological characteristics of the manager


The purpose of the research is to identify and analyze the main components of effective management of project activity as a unique generator of the competitiveness of management of socio-cultural industries that can ensure the implementation and high level of viability of socio-cultural projects in the conditions of globalization. The methodological basis of the study is the dialectic principle of cognition, the systematic approach and the most important provisions of the theory and practice of management. The general scientific and interdisciplinary methods of research are used, in particular, abstract-logical, modeling and sociocultural. Scientific novelty consists in the application of cultural and psychological approaches to the substantiation of a holistic system of necessary qualities, features of the functioning and implementation of project management, subjective factors of efficiency, which play an essential role in shaping its competitiveness. Conclusions. An effective project management is defined as a strategic tool for the development of the socio-cultural sphere, the features of which are: firstly, that its holistic concept is based on the interaction of economic, cultural, socio-psychological, creative and technological aspects; secondly, its effectiveness depends on the effective management of time, material and human resources, the project team, the introduction of innovations and the effective use of investments, as well as from the implementation of creative potential, professional competences (multicultural, speech, information, political, social and psychological, etc.); Thirdly, its competitiveness as an integral, complex comparative characteristic of competitive advantages, factors of management and productivity of the use of resources, compliance of the business entity with objective socio-cultural conditions, a measure of attractiveness for the consumer of socio-cultural services.

Author Biographies

Yaroslav Martynyshyn, International Personnel Academy

Doctor of Economics, Рrofessor, Аcademician 

Olena Kostyuchenko, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

Doctor of Psychology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology


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