
  • Olena Popovych Mariupol State University, Ukraine
  • Julia Sabadash Mariupol State University, Ukraine



biographical method, life way, biography, way of life, life activity, determinations of life activity, Zbigniew Brzezinski.


The purpose of the work is to study the potential of the biographical approach in the context of the analysis of the course life of famous people. Methodology of the research consists in the applying historical, cultural, biographical and interdisciplinary methods, which helped to research and discover the potential of the biographical method. Scientific novelty of the research comprises the understanding of the necessity of the appliance of the biographical material for the attributing sense-forming factors of the domestic cultural studies and national and cultural traditions. The important task for the cultural reflection is the usage of biography as a basic component for the definition of the role and meaning of a personality itself in public life, incorporation of the personality in the system of cultural values, definition of the typical peculiarities of social and cultural adaptation of the personality. Besides, the research is done on the basis of Zbigniew Brzezinski’s course of life, a famous man, who wasn’t practically presented in the cultural discourse in Ukrainian science. Conclusions. A considerable property of the biographical method is a usage of the concepts of the course of life due to which biography is structured into the integral, continuous succession of the stages of the course of life, so biography is considered as a succession of events in the course of time. There could be added that we understand biography as the reproduction of the course of life together with the analysis of the formation and development of the personality as premises for the analysis of the creative possibilities of a person. The usage of biographical method in practice predetermines the formation of the model of a personal cultural reality – the picture of the “World of Culture”, in which a person embodies himself in the unity of his cultural objective reality. Consequently, the experience of biography opens considerable potential possibilities of the usage of the biographical method for the comprehension of the problem of the compensatory influence of the culture. Also biographical method of the research of the phenomena of the creative development and creativity can be applied not only to individuals, but to their creative teams in different spheres of creative activity. Namely that’s why the analysis of the specificity of the group cultural creative work as a practice of the mastering of the life world is defined as a perspective for the further researches.

Author Biographies

Olena Popovych, Mariupol State University

PhD, Professor of the Department
of philosophy and sociology

Julia Sabadash, Mariupol State University

PhD in Culture Studies, Professor of the Department of Culture Studies and Information Activity


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