Attitudinal culture of the Person in terms of modern transformation society


  • Dmytro Bilozor O. Bogomolets National Medical University, Ukraine



culture, attitude, values, outlook transformation, religion


The purpose of the article is to examine the changing specific of personal attitude in transformation society terms. Pay attention on the trend of evolution person’s attitude under the influence of social transformations. The methodology of the research consists in the application of analysis methods, synthesis, comparison, generalization, as well as in the use of terminological, ideological-content and historical-philosophical approaches. It is help us to show dynamic and tendency evolution of the personal attitude. It can help to show anti-science tendentious in modern society, returning of religious tradition and syncretism in modern outlook. Scientific novelty is to try to features some characteristics  evolution of outlook  under the influence of objective factors such as dominant values culture,  economic, ideology, polity and subjectives factors. In the conclusions we have found that most influential drivers (factors) which affecting on transformation of outlook fellow countrymens are geopolitical, economical and religious. These factors brings positive and some time negative tendencies to social life in transformation community.

Author Biography

Dmytro Bilozor, O. Bogomolets National Medical University

Philosophy Doctor


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