Influence of the information and communication environment on the axiosphere of society


  • Zhanna Denysyuk National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



information-communicative environment, axiosphere, value orientations, socio-cultural space


The purpose of the article is to study the influence of the information and communication environment on the functioning of the axiosphere of modern society. The methodology of the research consists in the application of analytical, semiotic and culturological methods in studying the axiological component of the communication process, the role of mass media in translating values in modern society and influencing the functioning of the axiosphere of the society. Scientific novelty of the work consists in revealing the axiological component of the communicative environment and its influence on the axiosphere of society, which has both positive and negative consequences. Conclusions. As a result of the research, it was established that information and communication technologies, based on digital reproduction of information, led to cardinal transformations of all spheres of public life both on a practical plane and in relations between ideological and value aspects, transforming awareness of various levels of human life. In the information and communication environment, information becomes the primary value. Media, forming a particular information space, represent the values of society and exercise axiological influence on individuals and society as a whole.

Author Biography

Zhanna Denysyuk, National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts

Ph.D. in Culturology, Head of research and publishing department 


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