
  • Svitlana Panchenko National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



truth, freedom, tourist revolution, free time, choice, removal of social tension, cultural analysis, religious tourism, pilgrimage, confession, function, experience.


The Purpose of the Article is to analyze the issue of freedom in pilgrimage and religious tourism. The Methodology of the research includes applying such methods as analysis, synthesis, comparison, aggregation, as well as the use of historical and cultural approaches. The Scientific Novelty lies in the expanding and generalizing the knowledge about freedom in religious tourism. Conclusions. As a result of the preceding study, we have found that freedom in religious tourism is revealed through a variety of human activity. Tourist cognitive activity, the need for human wandering is determined by historically developed and assimilated socio-cultural programs that orient the person to the knowledge and development of the surrounding world, the construction of new systems of relationships, receiving new emotional and aesthetic impressions and assimilation of interesting forms of social experience.

Author Biography

Svitlana Panchenko, National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts

PhD in Cultural studies, associate professor
of the Art-management and event technologies chair


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