The phenomenon of hospitality in Ukrainian and foreign culture


  • Alina Poplavska Kiev National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



culture, hospitality, culture of hospitality, social culture, socio-cultural phenomenon


The purpose of the article is to clarify the state of scientific understanding of the phenomenon of hospitality in Ukrainian and foreign culture studies. The research methodology is based on an analytical method, the application of which allowed to reveal the scientific and theoretical approaches on which the study of hospitality as a sociocultural phenomenon is based. Scientific novelty. Based on the analysis of the cultural studies of Ukrainian and foreign researchers, the state of the scientific understanding of the phenomenon of hospitality is revealed. Conclusions. It was concluded that among a significant number of works devoted to hospitality, only a few of them cover some of its aspects as phenomena of social culture; at the same time, the nature of hospitality as a product of socio-cultural development is not disclosed. The need to clarify the essence of the scientific-theoretical and methodological aspects of the study of hospitality as a socio-cultural phenomenon.

Author Biography

Alina Poplavska, Kiev National University of Culture and Arts

Candidate of Culturology, Associate Professor at the Department of Hotel-Restaurant and Tourism Business


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