Faith in reincarnation in world mythology


  • Olena Khlystun Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



faith, reincarnation, mythical beliefs


The purpose of the research is related to the question of faith in reincarnation in mythology. Its main focus is the analysis of the origins of mythical representations as a component of the common belief of man. The analysis involves the thought and vision of this problem by well-known researchers, philosophers, available written sources and mythical retellings. The methodology of the research is to apply historical-comparative, comparative and logistic methods. Their application helps to diachronically analyze the phenomena of primitive culture and mythical beliefs. In some cases, elements of structural analysis are used to identify the essence of belief in reincarnation. The scientific novelty of the work is to reveal the general essence of faith in the reincarnation in mythology and its place in the life of a modern man as a spiritual support; features of the origins of mythical motives; ways of affirming and disseminating them in the culture of peoples from antiquity to the present; features of communication of beliefs in reincarnation with the phenomena of nature and events in people's lives. The conclusion is that the disclosure of the general essence of faith in the reincarnation in mythology makes it possible to give a scientific assessment of its significance in the modern life of the people, of each individual, and of the development of culture in general.

Author Biography

Olena Khlystun, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

Ph.D. in Art Studies, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Show Business


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