The artist-piarist Karol (Lukash) Gubel’s (1722 – 1793) artistic heritage on the territory of Volyn


  • Ruslana Sheretyuk Rivne State Humanitarian University, Ukraine



Piarist order, Volyn, Baroque, portrait, fresco, Karol (Lukash) Gubel


The purpose of the research is to outline the artistic achievements of the outstanding painter in the middle – the second half of the XVIII century, the representative of the Roman Catholic Order of Piarists Karol (Lukash) Gubel, who spent all his creative life in Volyn. Research methodology is based on visual analysis of his works, analytical and art-study methods of investigations, as well as a systematic approach; in particular the article uses the factual material of the Polish authors’ writings. The scientific novelty is that, the study is the first attempt of presentation the way of life and the analysis of Karol (Lukash) Gubel’s artistic works in the national art studies. Conclusions. Not only paintings on religious topics belonged to his brush, but also compositions of secular content, in particular, portraits, landscapes, and pastoralists. The analysis of works, preserved for today, testifies that they were executed under the influence of the conceptual foundations of the West European art of Baroque period.

Author Biography

Ruslana Sheretyuk, Rivne State Humanitarian University

doctor of historical sciences, docent, professor of the academic department of fine and decorative arts 


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