Evolution of development of machine embroidery and modern embroidery automats


  • Anastasia Varyvonchyk Kyiv university of the name of Boris Grinchenka, Ukraine




traditions, artistic industry, embroidery machines, puncher card, machine-automat


The research of the purpose is illumination of circumstances of origin and watching of historical evolutional unique Ukrainian artistic trade, known as embroidery, machine embroidery and modern embroidery automats. Research methodology is based on the use of supervisions study of art, historical, and kul'turologichnogo analysis. The scientific novelty consists in opening of facts about embroideries, which in subsequent assisted development of machine embroidery, and afterwards development of industry of embroidery production, with the origin of the embroidered wares due to modern embroidery automats. Analysing historical development of artistic industry which worked with making of the embroidered wares can do such conclusions, that from 80th of XX age on territory of Ukraine at times there were the embroidered wares which was executed on embroidery automats, more frequent these were the things of clothes, linen and others like that. This process of osuchasnennya and development of industry of productions of embroidery direction is ousted by things which was executed hands-embroideresses many years.

Author Biography

Anastasia Varyvonchyk, Kyiv university of the name of Boris Grinchenka

candidate of study of art, associate professor, associate professor of department of fine art 


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