Aspects of vocal student’s artistic and pedagogical skills formation as a future teacher of singing


  • Myroslava Zhyshkovych National Music Academy by M.V. Lysenko, Ukraine



vocal art, vocal performance mastery, pedagogical skills, pedagogical mastery


The purpose of the research is to find and analyze the most important aspects of vocal student’s pedagogical skills formation taking into consideration the fact whether the student is ready for pedagogical activity.  The methodology of the study consists in research and analysis of musicological, vocal and pedagogical literature with the application of empirical research methods by virtue of which aspects of vocal student’s pedagogical skills formation were considered, the key elements of pedagogical skills of the student as a future teacher of singing were determined and scientifically substantiated. The scientific novelty is determined by an aspect of the declared topic, its relevance and place in the structure of educational process. The issue is being studied from the viewpoint of the pedagogical skills essence substantiation as an extremely important item on the way to vocal and pedagogical mastery development. Conclusions. Pedagogical activity of a student as a future teacher of vocal singing is considered in several aspects: general pedagogical, vocal-performance and vocal-pedagogical. Research activity is provided as an indispensable component of the educational process. The notion of vocal student’s pedagogical skill formation consists not only in the development of professional technique of singing and performance mastery, but educating a vocal student as a musician-teacher, who must have distinct emotionality, creative individuality, intellect and certainly relevant technique of singing that could be applied as an important means of influencing the student in the course of work over the formation of a singing voice of such student.

Author Biography

Myroslava Zhyshkovych, National Music Academy by M.V. Lysenko

PhD in Arts, associated  professor 


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