The interpretation of traditional ukainian embroidery in modern professional panneau


  • Olga Kaleniuk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Ukraine



Decorative-applied art, embroidery, synthesis, panneau, embroidery techniques


The purpose of the research. Decorative and applied art as a kind of fine arts goes beyond the structure of its kind as it includes instrumental decorative works that perform high-esthetic or decorative function. The main aim of the article is to prove the expediency of the usage of embroidery as a traditional kind of Ukrainian decorative and applied art in the context of modern professional panneau. The studies in this field lead to the rethinking of the art heritage, popularize Ukrainian national embroidery, motivate the young generation of artists to use traditional methods and techniques in modern art projects. Research methodology is based on the application of general and special methods of scientific knowledge, the use of historical-logical, analytical, comparative, descriptive, systematizing methods, the reception theory, semiotics analysis. Scientific Novelty. The article includes the analysis of transformation of panneau’s decor in Ukraine during 20th - the beginning of the 21st century. The traditional and modern methods of forming of modern panneau are analised. There were differentiated achievements of professional Ukrainian and foreign artists, teachers and students of Ukraine’s art institutions, whose textile works are connected with the usage of embroidery. It was stated, that the main tendencies in the structure of modern panneau are as follows: different compositional and spatial searching, an endeavor to combine volumetric and ornamentally flat forms in one composition; wish to go out and deformate the object’s form; innovative searching in usage and transformation of different techniques according to a definite inner idea; an implementation of various decorative and applied forms and the addition of painting origin to them. Decorative techniques of traditional Ukrainian embroidery, that have broad perspectives to be used in modern decorative panneau were described, namely: tambourine suture, “kozlyk”, different kinds of loop seams, art and decorative plain seam, steam seam, cross stitches and their variations, lacing, cutting, holing. Besides, intentionally constricted fragments of composition, сhaotic stitching, overhanging threads are used in morern panneau. Conclusions.  It is proved, that the works of modern Ukrainian decorative-applied artists are oriented on the synthesis of materials and the transformation of traditional embroidery techniques in a decorative panneau, and a search for different combinations of this technique with other materials. The analised experience is a powerful factor of well-being of embroidery in the context of modern art tendencies.

Author Biography

Olga Kaleniuk, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University

PhD in Pedagogics, Аssociate Professor of the Department of Fine Arts


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