
  • Yuliya Kapliyenko-Iliuk Odessa National A. V. Nezhdanova Academy of Music, Ukraine




genre, symphonic suite, programme music, composers of Bukovyna, Leonid Zatulovskyi


The purpose of the article is to identify the peculiarities of the genre made on the basis of the analysis of the symphonic suite by L. Zatulovskyi and to characterize the features of the works of the Bukovynian composer. Methodology. The methods of historical-cultural, theoretical and genre-style analysis were used, which allowed to reveal traditional and innovative techniques of interpretation of the genre of the symphonic suite. The scientific novelty consists in understanding the development process of the professional musical art of Bukovyna; in revealing features of creative thinking of the composers of the region; in clarifying the principles of orchestral music of the region; in the analysis of music by L. Zatulovskyi, whose work was not explored in contemporary musicology. Conclusions. The orchestral suite "Wandering Stars" concentrates the signs of creative thinking of L. Zatulovskyi, his principles of work, which combine the properties of various fields of music, thereby denoting the formation of polystylistics, where the classical traditions of European and Ukrainian music, folk music creative work and traits of Bukovynian multinational musical culture are interwoven. L. Zatulovskyi’s suite is an example of the scene-genre programme symphonism, where the background of the colourful national environment reveals the relationship between the heroes of the novel by Sholem Aleichem. On the basis of this work by L. Zatulovskyi one can identify the features of his individual creative style. The composer, relying on genre features of folk music, was able to achieve his own originality of writing. L. Zatulovskyi, intertwining the intonation and rhythmic features of the Ukrainian, Bukovynian and Jewish song and dance traditions, enriched the melody of his works and brought it to a new level of interaction with harmony and a tone-key component.

Author Biography

Yuliya Kapliyenko-Iliuk, Odessa National A. V. Nezhdanova Academy of Music

PhD in Arts, associate professor, doctoral student of the


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