The specifics of academic choirs in the functioning of multimedia communication channels


  • Tetiana Korobka Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine



choir, academic choir, communication channels, multimedia, forms of choral activity


The purpose of the article is to determine the peculiarities of choral performance in the conditions of functioning of multimedia communication channels. The methodology of the study is to use theoretical-analytical and comparative methods. These methods allow us to analyze the level of theoretical understanding of the existing problem in modern musicology; compare the specifics of playing, transmitting and receiving musical information when using different types of communication channels; identify options for adapting academic choral performance in modern sociocultural conditions. The scientific novelty of the research consists in studying the peculiarities of modern choral performance through the prism of the dynamics of the development of communication channels. Based on the classification of types of communication channels, the main forms of choral activity are highlighted, in demand in the modern socio-cultural environment. Conclusions. Analyzed scientific sources related to musical communication in choral performance. The differences in the organization, transmission and receipt of musical information are determined depending on the type of use of the communication channel. Based on the analysis of communication channels, the forms of choral activity are differentiated. The positive and negative impact of technical means of communication on the transfer of musical information from the choir to the listener has been determined. The ways of optimization of academic choral art in modern multimedia space are outlined.

Author Biography

Tetiana Korobka, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

PhD in Musical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Historical and Civic Education at the Institute of  In-service Training in Education, Artist of the Academic Choir Radio of Ukraine


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