
  • Anton Kushnir Petro Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine, Ukraine



flute, position, music performance, Kyiv music traditions.


The purpose of this article is to learn and present the technical components of the Kyiv flute performance school. The research methodology is based on the interrelation between the historical-descriptive and the inductive methods. Some provisions are based on the results of generalization of empirical observations, as well as the author’s own performing and pedagogical experience. The scientific novelty of the research focuses on the necessity to systemize the pieces of history about Kyiv’s flute school and the work of its alumni and study their theoretical principals in the vast context of international performance traditions. Conclusion. A well based performance apparatus is about dynamic formation. Its components are in complex interrelation. The everlasting process of achieving their perfection and reciprocity in harmony demands durable, conscious and theoretically founded work. Focus on this process is provided by the traditions and originality of the performance schools, and constancy and consistency of the practice of their leading representatives.

Author Biography

Anton Kushnir, Petro Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine

art history PhD, associate professor at the Department of woodwind instruments


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