Influence of choreographic art on the development of the theatrical business of Ukraine: the historical aspect


  • Andriy Lyagushchenko National University of Film and Television Theater named after I.K.Karpenko-Karyi, Ukraine



theater, choreographic art, historical traditions


The purpose of the work is to investigate the influence of choreographic art on the development of the theatrical business of Ukraine in the historical genesis of the establishment of the domestic theater. The methodology of the research is based on the application of the historical and chronological approach, which allowed to distinguish periodization in the development of the theater in Ukraine; system-structural, with the help of which the role of choreographic art in the system of development of theatrical art; comparative - with the help of which analyzed the main stages of the development of theatrical business in Ukraine within each specified period. The scientific novelty of the work is to study the role of choreographic art as a driving factor in the development of theaters and theatrical affairs in general, which was manifested in updating productions, repertoire and general principles and approaches in the work of theatrical directors. Conclusions. As a result of the conducted research it can be summarized that throughout the time of the birth and existence of theatrical art, the choreographic factor played the role of a kind of catalyst for the development of theatrical affair. It is proved that due to the continuity of the traditions of theatrical business and choreographic art not only the national traits of culture are preserved, but also the development vectors in the marked directions of the modern age are determined.

Author Biography

Andriy Lyagushchenko, National University of Film and Television Theater named after I.K.Karpenko-Karyi

Honored Artist of Ukraine Candidate of Arts, Professor, Director of the College of Choreographic Arts "Kyiv Municipal Academy of Dance Serg Lifar"



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