Mythological spaces in the symphonic works of Vincent d'Indy


  • Olena Osoka Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine, Ukraine



myth, mythologization, spirituality, symphonic works, Vincent d'Indy


The purpose of the article. To reveal the significance of myths and legends as the basis of general artistic principles in comprehending the reality of V. d'Indy. Explore “myth-thinking” in creativity, as a method of perceiving a man of his destiny and his place in history through the prism of the centuries-old cultural experience. Methodology. The research is based on a comprehensive approach (in the consideration of the musical, poetic and literary-critical activities of V. d'Indy). Structural, analytical-comparative (in representation`s forms of the myth`s interpretation and the musical interpretations) methods are used. The method of deductive-inductive is used to specify the phenomena and processes considered in the work. The scientific novelty consists in studying the semantics of mythological plots, their ontological and axiological characteristics. Conclusion. The constitution of the content of the symphonic works of V. d'Indy, appealing to the mythopoetic images, propagates the spiritual values of humanity that, at the same time, appear to be important moral and ethical concepts of the artist's outlook, namely: faith, hope and love.

Author Biography

Olena Osoka, Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine

Ph.D. (Art History), associate Professor of general and special-ized piano 


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