Advertising Design: the termbase study


  • Svitlana Pryshchenko National Academy of Managerial staff in Culture and Arts, Ukraine



advertising graphics, design, art-design, graphic design, advertising design, desing of advertising, styling, visual communications.


The purpose of the article is study the professional terminology of Advertising Design in the process of its formation and development, taking into account the English-language influence. The research methodology consists in the interdisciplinary approach with using analytical-synthetic, functional and comparative methods, which made it possible to theoretically summarize the content of specialized vocabulary. Scientific originality. In first time, the industry of Advertising Design is considered as a type of Art-Project Culture, which integrates the theoretical and practical aspects of Graphic Design, Advertising and Marketing. The problems of the mechanistic, vague or not exact interpretation of the given examples are analyzed, which is especially important in the process of scientific and methodological education of young scientists in Ukraine. Conclusions. Based on the study of ukrainian and foreign scientific publications, the scientific and conceptual apparatus has been deepened, the termbase of Advertising Design has been specified and expanded, Glossary on Design and Advertising has been created, because today, the professional dictionaries become significant additional lexicographic resources in all spheres of activity.

Author Biography

Svitlana Pryshchenko, National Academy of Managerial staff in Culture and Arts

Doctor habil. in Design, Professor of Department of Graphic Design in Institute of Design and Advertising


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