Сlassification of ukrainian jazz festival events in the period of independence (1991–2012)


  • Zoryana Rosʹ Higher Educational Institution «Precarpathian National University named after. Vasyl Stefanyk», Ukraine




jazz festivals, jazz-festival movement, classification


The purpose of the article. On the basis of the review of jazz festivals, typological features and differentiation of jazz-festival actions in Ukraine during the period of 1991–2012, to develop their classification. The methodology of work is to use theoretical methods (analytical, synthesis, abstraction, generalization) for the systematization of research material; empirical methods – observation of the processes of organizing and conducting musical festivals and their description; systematic and comparative-typological methods that helped to identify the common and distinctive features of Ukrainian jazz festivals with the aim of systematizing and developing the classification. The scientific novelty consists in studying the actual problem of domestic jazzology – the development of the jazz festival movement in Ukraine. The peculiarities of differentiation were determined and the typology of Ukrainian jazz festivals in the period 1991-2012 was determined, on the basis of which their classification was created, the development of which was based on the quantitative and qualitative principle of analysis. According to the typological characteristics of jazz festivals, performed by the method of "non-strict classification", it was represented by the relevant categories. Conclusions. On the basis of the review of established and restored from previous years of jazz festivals during 1991–2012 it became clear that in Ukraine there were founded about 100 jazz festivals, except for those that continued to function since the 80's. Based on the above-mentioned parameters, an author's classification was developed, which was presented by the following categories: international festivals, jazz festivals with participation of only Ukrainian performers (all-Ukrainian, regional, city), children's and youth jazz festivals and special typologies of jazz festivals.

Author Biography

Zoryana Rosʹ, Higher Educational Institution «Precarpathian National University named after. Vasyl Stefanyk»

Doctor of Philosophy in Art Studies, Associate Professor of the Department of Performing Arts of the Institute of Arts State


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