Theatrical art: The Mysteriality of theatrical art as a "formula" of the expression of the depth and immeasurability of human existence


  • Svetlana Shumakova Kharkov State Academy of Culture, Ukraine



the so-called organization of the mystery structure, "art as a priesthood", value-meaningful parameters


The purpose of the research is to broaden the field of understanding of the mysterious foundations of the theatrical art from the point of view of the unity of meanings that are in the process of constant birth, growth, transformation and replacement by new relatively complete disclosure of transcendental and meaningfulness as complete mutual penetration, free solidarity of spiritual and material, ideal and real essences.The methodological basis of the research is the fundamental philosophical-theoretical and cultural tradition of Western European and Russian thought, including the development of consciousness in the general process of cultural and historical life in its deepest foundations: through the transformation of "life-meaning", and the idea of the mystery is interpreted as interpreting the value-essential layers and aspects of being. The comprehension of the mystery from the point of view of the transgressive essence is a substantial center around which the study of its spiritual dimensions, nature, dialectics, Methodological research strategy tends to the synthesis of cultural, art and axiological approaches, providing for the expansion of analysts' optics, understanding of the deep semantic structure of the mystery. Scientific novelty consists in the substantiation of the semantic organization of the mysterial structure, its value-content characteristics in the context of the art-cultural and cultural aspects of existence and manifestation of the mysterial, which allows us to identify the energy-form-forming components of it. The conclusions: the primacy of the spiritual over the empirically concrete appears as the axiology of the conceptual substantiations of the mystery, which can serve as the paradigm of the ascent of man to the desired point where God, where the Spirit, where there is some, lying outside the unfolding of the metaphysical space in which new layers are opened creating meanings, building awareness of their place in the world and a correct understanding of how to be to "appear as a person."

Author Biography

Svetlana Shumakova, Kharkov State Academy of Culture

PhD in Arts, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Art Direction


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