Women's images in original ballets by V. Vronskyi “Olesia” and “Poem about Marina”


  • Anastasia Korol Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine




Ukrainian ballet, ballet "Olesia", ballet "Рoem about Maryna", V. Vronskyi


The purpose of the research is to analyze the original ballets by V. Vronskyi "Olesia" and "Рoem about Maryna" through the prism of female imagery. The methodology of the research is to apply the analysis of historiography, art criticism analysis of ballet performances, comparison of approaches to the interpretation of female images in ballets, which allowed to conduct scientifically objective research. Scientific novelty consists in the first conducted study of ballets by V. Vronskyi "Olesia" and "Рoem about Maryna" through the prism of female images, revealing the connections between these ballets. Conclusions The central female images of ballet performances by V. Vronsky "Olesia" and "Рoem about Maryna" were the continuation of female portraits created in the first Ukrainian ballets "Pan Kanovskyi" (Bondarivna), "Lileia" (Lileia). In the last way, the synthesis of classical elements and elements of Ukrainian folk choreography created a unique lexical system of Ukrainian ballet, in particular female dance, which actively developed in the choreographic decision of the images of Olesia (Olesia) and Maryna ("Рoem about Maryna"). The ballet "Olesia" became a kind of platform for the development of techniques for the implementation of military topics, which had a large-scale development in the "Poem about Maryna". The images of Olesia and Maryna became the driving force behind the deployment of ballet action, but in the "Poem about Maryna" the image of the main heroine dominates in all episodes. The central female forms of ballets "Olesia" and "Рoem about Maryna" took a worthy place in the gallery of female images of the Ukrainian ballet theater.

Author Biography

Anastasia Korol, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

teacher of department of folk choreography 


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