
  • Nataliia Doniy State Penitentiary Service, Ukraine



gender, gender stereotypes, neo-myth of beauty, popular culture, feminization, feminity


The purpose of the article is to define the outline of culture as a variation of the feminine sign system. Methodology of the research is a gender approach that helps to determinate the nature / energy that drives popular culture and explains the reason for criticizing this type of culture by representatives of Modern. Scientific novelty of the research lies in introducing of popular culture gender definition at both ontological and axiological levels. Conclusions. Firstly, popular culture according to a gender basis is a phenomenon of matriarchal and feminist cultural development. Secondly, feminized popular culture as a manifestation of the other world outlook and a value attitude to the world carries in itself the values of everyday life in general. Thirdly, it is impossible that one can expect a rigid hierarchical construction of values from popular culture, because the latter, as womankind in the whole, is rhizomatic. Fourthly, the feminization of popular culture affected by bisexual marginal culture guides fashion trends to support "neo-myth of beauty" which, on the contrary to the "beauty myth" of Modern, is guided to both women and men.

Author Biography

Nataliia Doniy, State Penitentiary Service

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Аssociate professor, Professor of the Department of Economic and Social Studies at the Academy


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