
  • Adriana Skoryk National Chaikovsky Academy of Music, Ukraine



cultural studies, society, informational enviroment, communication, information space, transforma-tion of society.


Purpose of Research. The purpose of the article is to analyse the interpretations of the meaning of the infor-mational enviroment in the culturological conceptions of the philosophers of XX century. Methodology. The methodology of the article is based on the interdisciplinary approach, which involves various scientific methods such as the analysis (to reveal the main elements of the information environment), the comparative method (to find out the peculiarities of the interpretation of the information environment in the concepts of P. Sorokin, E. Toynbee, N. Danilevsky, L. White and B. Malinovsky). Basing on art criticism and cultural approaches, the author determines the role of the informational envi-ronment in society. Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty of the article is the analysis and generalization of the main interpretations of the information environment in the culturological conceptions of philosophers of XX century (P. Sorokin, E. Toynbee, B. Malinovsky, etc.). Conclusions. Thus, it was established that the information environment as a way of reflection and internalization of cultural values was developed in the culturological concepts of ethnographers, culturolo-gists and philosophers of the twentieth century. It is the part of the socio-cultural space and the basis of a communicative field, which is characterized by transbordery, interactivity and mobility.

Author Biography

Adriana Skoryk, National Chaikovsky Academy of Music

D.Sc. in Arts, professor of the Department
of the Theory and History of Culture


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