The ideal of Christian culture in the documents of the All-Orthodox Council


  • Svetlana Shkil National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine, Ukraine



Christian culture, personal dignity, ethics of responsibility, personalism, humanism


Purpose of the research is to analyze the methods for constructing the concept of Orthodox culture in the documents of the All-Orthodox Council, a characteristic of the type of the ideal of Christian culture proposed in the documents of this cathedral. The methodology of the study is to use methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization, as well as hermeneutical and comparative approaches. Scientific novelty consists in understanding the social and ethical project of Christian culture, which is proposed in the documents of the All-Orthodox Council as a modern form of Christian humanism, which arose under the influence of personalism and existentialism. Conclusions. It is proved that in the documents of the All-Orthodox Council the ideal of the renewed society is proposed as an exit from the crisis state of sociality, connected with the numerous challenges of the times of modernity and postmodernity. The council sharply criticizes individualism and collectivism, relativism and fundamentalism. The documents of the cathedral also give an analysis of the culture of consumerism and liberal globalization, which are accused of de-identification processes. The proposed model of Christian culture is characterized by openness, dialogue essence, protection of the dignity of the individual, upholding the right to religious freedom. At the heart of this culture is the ethics of responsibility for the other and for everything created by God. This ethic of responsibility is valid only if it is sensitive to the needs and sufferings of another, and its implementation provides for, in addition to social reformism, significant peacekeeping efforts.

Author Biography

Svetlana Shkil, National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine

Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Philosophy Department


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