Representation of ethnocultural values in the texts of post-folklore


  • Zhanna Denysyuk National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



ethnocultural values, post-folklore, texts, socio-cultural space, axiological dominant.


The purpose of the work is to investigate the nature of the expression of ethnocultural values in the works of the post-folklore type regarding Internet communication. The methodology of the research is to apply analytical, axiological, culturological methods in the study of ethnocultural values in the post-folklore texts and the representation of axiological content. The scientific novelty of the research is to analyze the expression of ethnocultural values in the texts of post-folklore and their significance in the valuation of actual events and phenomena of life. Conclusions . Post-folklore works became part of the axiological sphere of society and one of the most critical factors of many social processes and an integral part of contemporary culture, reflecting social norms, values, cultural traditions, mental structures of society in audio-visual, graphics and verbal form. In the post-folklore, the features of the functioning of the symbols as the primary way of representing archetypes are manifested. The genre-thematic modification of post-folklore works, which, based on the archetypical-mythological matrix, represent the ethnocultural values of society, during the period of "mental revolutions," manifests itself in the form of symbols that become active factors of social transformations, while actualizing the fundamental values of ethnoculture.

Author Biography

Zhanna Denysyuk, National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts

Ph.D. in Culturology, Head of Research and Publishing Department


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