
  • Liliia Dynikova Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Ukraine



cross-cultural communications, Crimean-Tartaric society, education, publishing industry, periodicals


The purpose of the study is to highlight the role of I. Gasprinsky in establishing intercultural communications in the Crimean Tatar society at the turn of the ХІХ and ХХ centuries and to reveal the socio-cultural essence of the first Crimean Tatar periodicals, the cultural potential of which is primarily the task of enculturation and socialization of the Crimean Tatar society. Methodology. The scientific understanding of cultural and creative activities of I. Gasprinsky was based on the totality of such research approaches: historical-cultural, which involves cultural and historical and compara-tive topological study of the ideological heritage of I. Gasprinsky; axiological-cultural, which gave the opportunity to reveal the humanistic content of cultural unification. In our research, we used source study and comparative-historical research method. Results. A comprehensive analysis of the first national Crimean Tatar periodicals "Terjiman" as a cultural phe-nomenon was carried out. An assessment of its role in the general culture of that period was given. It was shown that "Terjiman" gave impetus to the development of publishing in the Crimea. The features of the formation of the Crimean Tatar periodicals as the main factor of the education in a multicultural society were considered. Conclusions. The edu-cational activity of I. Gasprinsky had a decisive influence on the spread of the movement for the Muslim society cultural transformation that has developed in many areas of life. The first periodic of the Crimean Tatar – newspaper "Terjiman" – has become the most significant factor in the cultural transformation of the Crimean Tatar community, which can bring it to a new level, destroying the norms and stereotypes of thinking. The data obtained in the research provide an opportu-nity to understand the nature and peculiarities of national periodicals formation influenced by cultural and creative activi-ties of I. Gasprinsky in connection with the socio-political and public processes of those times.

Author Biography

Liliia Dynikova, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute

PhD in Culturology, senior lecturer,


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