Management Culture of Ancient Egypt, Sumerians, and Babylon


  • Elena Kovalenko National Academy of Supervisory Frame of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



Management Culture, Ancient Egypt, Sumerians, Babylon.


The purpose of the article is theoretical analysis and generalization of the features of the management culture of Ancient Egypt, Sumerians, and Babylon, which will serve the enrichment of science with system knowledge of the development of the culture of management at the stage of the slave society. The methodological basis of the study is the rational principle of cognition, systemic, civilization, sociocultural, activity, historical approaches, basic provisions of the theory and history of society, its culture and management. Methodology. Common scientific and interdisciplinary research methods are used: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, comparison, generalization, formalization. The scientific novelty of the results is to identify and systematically generalize the features of the management culture in ancient Egypt, Sumerians, and Babylon. Conclusions. The main achievements of the management culture in these countries are, firstly, the creation of a hierarchical territorial-functional management system with a predominance of unified written laws and rules of conduct and the establishment of a bureaucratic system of organization with elements of secular management. Secondly, a significant deepening of the division of physical and mental labor and on this basis the appearance of the first professional managers (viziers, officials, scribes, etc.) and specialized staff, the establishment of the primary schools for the training of managers with the formation of not only professional ones, but also and above all of high moral qualities. Third, the development of general principles of governance: power and influence; punishment and encouragement; motivation and stimulation; benevolence and justice; diligence and discipline; planning, organization, coordination, integration, accounting, control and payment of labor; documentary registration of management processes; creation and maintenance of a positive image of the head.

Author Biography

Elena Kovalenko, National Academy of Supervisory Frame of Culture and Arts

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Art Management and Event Technologies Department


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