
  • Olha Kopiyevska National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



mapping, sociocultural mapping, cultural practices, sociocultural need, cultural space, sociocultural processes.


Purpose of the Article. The goals of the research are to systematize the approaches to the understanding of the sociocultural mapping, to define the terms, to find out its role in the modern cultural practices. Methodology. The methodology of the article is based on the various principles such as systematization and generalization. The purpose of the material and its tasks determine the applying of the following methods: axiological approach (to find out the role of the sociocultural mapping in the modern cultural practices),hermeneutic approach (to systematize different modifications of the term "mapping"), and analytical one (to study the conceptual foundations of the modern researchers of the sociocultural mapping). Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty of the article is to systematize the theories of the so-ciocultural mapping, its functional components, and meanings in the modern practical cultural forming. The critical role of the sociocultural mapping in the Ukrainian cultural practices. Conclusions. In the contemporary cultural processes, so-ciocultural mapping plays the significant position and allows us to foresee the effectivity of the functioning of the underly-ing infrastructure of the institutions of culture. The basis of the sociocultural mapping is the process of identification of man’s cultural needs. The unique mission of the sociocultural mapping is to create the products (goods or services) of high quality, which can satisfy the variety of individual, cultural, entertainment interests of a man. The components of the sociocultural mapping, which are professionally and methodically determined, allow involving many consumers to the cultural space. Potentially the sociocultural mapping can solve many global and local cultural problems.

Author Biography

Olha Kopiyevska, National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts

PhD in Pedagogic studies, professor,
head of the Art-management and
event technologies chair


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