Peculiarities of the jewelry art of Kyivskaya Rus (treasures of the X-XIII centuries from Pivno region)


  • Josef Nikolchenko Mariupol State University, Ukraine
  • Julia Sabadash Mariupol State University, Ukraine



Kyievskaya Rus, South-west territories of Rus, jewelry art, art metal, Torgovitskiy and Dorogobuzkiy treasures, substance of the treasures, dating of the substance of the treasures, decorative and everyday art of Rus-Ukraine


The aim of work is to analyze the peculiarities of the development of jewelry art in the Kyivskaya Rus by the example of the unique discoveries from 1971-1975 – Torgovitsky and Dorobuzkiy treasures of the X-XIII centuries in Rivno region. The methodology of the research is in the usage of the historical, cultural, systematized, chronological, classified, terminological, comparative, statistic and generalized methods. The defined methods allow to depict the peculiarities of the development of the jewelry art in Kyivskaya Rus by the example of Torgovitsky and Dorobuzkiy treasures of the X-XIII centuries in Rivno region. The topicality is specified by the wide usage of the historical, cultural methods, basing onto what unites the analysis of the development of the jewelry art in Kyivskaya Rus by the example of Torgovitsky and Dorobuzkiy treasures of the X-XIII centuries in Rivno region. Conclusions . The development of the jewelry art in Kyievskaya Rus noticeably illustrates the discoveries of the treasures, to which they women’s and men’s jewelries, wares from precious stones. The territory of the south-west Rus (the modern territory of west regions of Ukraine) where there are a lot of memos of the X-XIII centuries: countries, fortified cities and burials. Among unique memos of this type that were discovered for the last period in Ukraine there singled out two treasures of the Old Rus from Rivno region: - accidentally found by the students of the Torgovitskaya secondary school of Mlinivskiy district on the 25th of March 1971 and contributed to museum of local lore in Rivno; - discovered in 1975 in the building 3-A of the XIII century in the period of archeological research of the annalistic city Dorogobush in the country Dorogobush Gorosganskiy region by the archeological expedition of the museum of local lore in Rivno. It’s possible to affirm that from the times of Kyievskaya Rus the jewelry with the usage of the art metal reached its mastery and sophistication which found its continuation in different forms of traditional and modern Ukrainian decorative and everyday art that in its turn makes the problem topical and perspective.

Author Biographies

Josef Nikolchenko, Mariupol State University

Honoured Culture Worker of Ukraine Associate professor of the Culture Studies and Information Activities Chair , Honoured Culture Worker of Ukraine

Julia Sabadash, Mariupol State University

Dr. in Culture Studies, professor, professor of the Cultural Studies and Information Activities Chair


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