Museum in Ukraine: present and predictable future of the institution (using experience of the church)


  • Serhii Rudenko Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



museum, museum craft, the institutional identity of the museum, church, Lindy effect, crisis, ceno-bites, anchorites, sarabaites, gyrovagues.


Purpose of the article. Detecting of the present condition of museum institution and predicting of its future in Ukraine. Methodology. Comparative analysis of museum and church using knowledge about Lindy effect. Scientific nov-elty. For the first time done unique scientific compare between church and museum. Further developing gained the point of view, that extractive commerce, entertainment, political expediency in museum practice are not innovative, transform muse-ums to the backward institution. This practice obscures the goal of the museum – creating of peculiar representations of the past, that accumulate, analysis and present of social experience. Conclusions. According to Lindy effect, museums life expectancy is no less than 300 years. For analogy with church (Benedict’s rules), we’ve can highlight such groups of mu-seum workers – cenobites (indeed museum specialists – practices, that working for society), anchorites (mainly, museolo-gists, detached from museum practice and (or) each other), sarabaits (false museum specialist, that looking for "gain") and gyrovagues (as a rule, young museum specialists, who want to be cenobites, but can’t do it, because of sarabaits and mea-ger salary; they are working temporarily or non-full-time at museum). After all, museums, filled up Sarabaites, degrades.

Author Biography

Serhii Rudenko, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

Ph.D in Culturology Doctor’s degree applicant


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