Historical aspects of forming the culture of maintenance


  • Oksana Oliinyk Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine




history, culture, a sphere of service, hotel, hotel and restaurant complexes


The purpose of the article is to analyze the main stages of the formation of service culture by the example of hotel and restaurant business and study the specificity of the relationship with other factors of the cultural and historical creation of humanity. The methodology involves using the method of analysis and synthesis, the historical approach for the disclosure of aspects of the formation of a service culture. The scientific novelty consists in identifying the interdependence between historical factors and peculiarities of emerging needs in the creation of hotel and restaurant institutions, their secularization and improvement. Conclusions. The development of the service sector is directly related to the specific historical conditions of human evolution. The need for the first establishments that provide travel services is the result of a lot of people starting to travel. It can be argued that the establishment of such institutions was closely linked to the level and status of travelers. In the Western European and the national historical and cultural space, settlement and food services were provided on the territory of the monasteries. However, the conditions for the establishment of hotel type establishments that offer a high level of service and are oriented on a more elite layer of society gradually develop.

Author Biography

Oksana Oliinyk, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

Assistant of the Hotel and Restaurant Business Department


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