
  • Oleksandr Bezruchko Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



Georgii Avenarius, “Bili stovpy”, All-Soviet (Higher) State Institute of Cinematography, Acting School under the Film Studio.


The purpose of the work is to study thoroughly the final stage of research and educational activity in the field of cinematography of G.O. Avenarius, a genius Ukrainian film expert and one of the first national screen arts educators. Research methodology consists in application of methods of personology, theory of personality and historical-biographic method. The marked methodological approaches allow collecting and investigating unknown and not popular facts from the life, research and academic career in the field on cinematography of G.O. Avenarius. The scientific novelty of the work is predefined by the necessity to study unknown pages of history of Ukrainian cinema and its figures, which for one reason or another remained out of eyeshot of home art critics. Conclusions. To summarize the above, we can state, that the research objectives have been achieved, namely the final stage of the research and educational activity in the field on cinematography of G.O. Avenarius, an outstanding Ukrainian film expert, one of the pioneering Ukrainian tutors in screen arts, PhD in Art History and the founder of “Bili Stovpy”, the main Film Fund of the Soviet Union, has been thoroughly investigated; his principal research works on history and theory of cinematography of this period of his life have been listed; his track record of pedagogical activities in the field of cinematography at the Higher State Institute of Cinematography, All-Soviet State Institute of Cinematography (VGIK) and Acting School under the Film Studio has been restored.

Author Biography

Oleksandr Bezruchko, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

Dr.Sc. (Doctor of Science) in Arts, Associate Professor,
Professor of Television Direction chair


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