Classificational and Typological Characteristics of the Music Art of the Pre-Azov Mennonites


  • Tetjana Martynjuk State Higher Educational Establishment "Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky State Pedagogical University named after Grigoriy Skovoroda", Ukraine



typology, classification, religious singing, school education of the Mennonites, school choir, teacher of singing, musical methodology, church choir, digital notation, musical reform, choir festivals of the Mennonites.


Purpose of Article. As the literature on the musicology does not focus on the artistic specificity of the colonization process in the regions of modern Southeastern and Southern Ukraine, the article is aimed at the research of musical art of the Pre-Azov Mennonites in the aspect of its classification and typological characteristics at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Methodology. The primary method is associated with the use of extrapolation, theoretical analysis, and synthesis, as well as the integration of the analysis results. Scientific Novelty. The article researches the musical art of the ethnic group of the Pre-Azov Mennonites in the context of the classification theories of the music of the past (M. Pretorius, I.-Gh. Valjter) and present (L. Mazelj, V. Zuckerman, O. Lisovychenko, T. Cherednichenko). Based on the classification and typological characteristics of this conservative type of musical art, its elements, in particular, religious singing, school education, school choirs, teacher of singing, musical methodology, church choir, digital notation, musical reform, choral festivals of the Mennonites, have been researched. Conclusions. The analysis of the musical art of the Mennonites of the Pre-Azov region in the context of the classification theories of the music of the past and present has made it possible to comprehend the musical art of the ethnic group of the Pre -Azov Mennonites. It is offered to transpose it from the ideal object to the real one, which can be studied, based on the specific examples of the choir and musical-educational practice. The implementation of such logical operation will allow, if necessary, to compare the musical tradition of the Mennonites with the methods of other denominations, to find out the features of typological similarity within various classes that determine the perspectives of further research on this issue.

Author Biography

Tetjana Martynjuk, State Higher Educational Establishment "Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky State Pedagogical University named after Grigoriy Skovoroda"

Doctor of Art Studies, Professor, Head of of Artistic Disciplines and Education Methods


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