
  • Maryna Varakuta Dnipropetrovsk Music Academy after Mikhail Glinka, Ukraine




choral miniature, secular miniature, compositional structure, composition, programmeness


The purpose of the work is to find out the peculiarities of the compositional structure of choral miniatures of the secular subject matter in Volodymyr Zybitskyi’s works. The methodology of the research is based on the historical-typological and genre-stylistic methods. The historical-typological method is connected with the problems of historical development of the secular choral miniature genre; genre-stylistic method gave the opportunities for the multilevel analysis based on the understanding of a music piece as a result of the ordered interaction of the content and form. The scientific novelty of the paper consists in researching the compositional structures of the choral miniature genre at the modern stage. The conclusions. The compositional peculiarities of Volodymyr Zybitskyi’s secular choral miniature are the prevalence of minor forms with a developed internal structure: multiphase composition, mono-intonation of the thematic invention, texture differentiation of the background and relief. The tone row is concretized due to the text principle, i.e. the programmeness elements, wherefore portrait, first-person narrative and a lack of plot become the important features, resulting in laconism of a form and means.

Author Biography

Maryna Varakuta, Dnipropetrovsk Music Academy after Mikhail Glinka

PhD in Arts, Associated Professor of the History and Theory of Music chair


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